SCCS – Minutes of WG Meeting on Nanomaterials in Cosmetics- 03 September 2015

1. Information From Chairman/Members/Commission

– Opinions postponed from June Plenary were adopted by written procedure in July and published (Opinion on S79 MBBT and Opinion for clarification of the meaning of the term « sprayable applications/products »– second revision).
MBBT S79: 2 comments on opinion postponed from June Plenary were adopted by written procedure in July and sent to the commenting parties.
– Information has been shared with the members of the WG on the new basic Decision and Call for expression of interests

2. New Mandates

TiO2 (nano) in spray products

3. Draft Opinions Discussed:

Hydroxyapatite : The opinion has been discussed and will be finalised at the next meeting of the WG, prior to the plenary meeting.

4. Comments On Opinions

5 comments have been received on the Opinion on nano silica. The reply has been finalised and will be presented at the next plenary meeting for adoption. Then it will be sent to the requesting parties.

*Next meeting: 28 September 2015


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